I finally experienced Cuba!!! It was such a humbling yet gratifying experience. The architecture was absolutely breathtaking from the colors, art, and designs. If you follow me on social media I shared a few shots of my experience with you all. But, can I be honest with you? Planning a trip to Cuba is a long detailed process. If you miss one little detail or process it will completely throw things off. 

However, one thing I can say about Cuba is the fact that despite the poverty, lack of employment , resources, and even food they still seem to push through. Oh! That’s why they love tourists because it’s like them hitting the good ole jackpot. So, while there my travel group and I supported the Cuban people by blessing a local school with school supplies. The smiles on their faces filled our hearts with so much joy! 

Lastly, I want to introduce you all to Claudia! Claudia was our host at the house we rented in Cuba. Claudia made sure we had everything we needed to enjoy our stay and could not leave the house each night until we were sleep which was usually 3-4 am because we were out enjoying the Cuba night life. Every morning after we fell asleep, Claudia walks 10 blocks just to catch a cab home for $1.00 (cheaper after 10 blocks). Claudia makes $100.00 PER MONTH! Before you blink, you should know that doctors make an average of $40 per month. Claudia self-taught herself English and was very good at it. She lives in an over-crowded apartment with her boyfriend and his family. Although, Claudia has never been outside of Cuba, she absolutely loves her country and would never leave. I told Claudia there is no way she could have a job in the US and walk 10 blocks at 4am everyday and not become a target. Claudia is one of a few reasons why I’ve learned to love Cuba. 

I am so grateful to return to my home, two  beautiful daughters, A/C, toilet (which you have to pay to use along with toilet paper), hot running water and access to what I need, when I need it. Think about it, some tend to generally complain about so much. But, all it takes is for you to travel somewhere to see how people who get way less complain of absolutely nothing and yet be so happy. We should all want to be more like Claudia in that we will no longer complain and be thankful for every single thing bestowed upon us! 

Let’s simply give thanks! 

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