POP-UP Happy Hour Launch

OMG! I had so much fun at the POP-UP Happy Hour for the launch of Nayoka Simone. Yes, it rained so bad on the day of the event and it was scheduled to take place on the rooftop of the hotel. But, worries because the hotel accommodated us with no problem. If you live in the DC,MD, or VA area you know that when it rains, it truly rains. There were many street closures and flooded parked cars. But, that didn’t stop some of our attendees and guest speakers from attending. You all are amazing!! Of course, staying home is always the first option, rightfully so due to the weather but to join me despite of I simply can’t thank you all enough. Our special guests were Sharonda Davila-Irving, Image Consultant, Jacqueline Hudson, Celebrity Fashion Stylist, Tatiana Sheppard, Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger and Tressa Azarel-Smallwood, Publisher,  Movie Producer, Author & Speaker. These women shared their stories, business information, and networked with everyone in the room. View the gallery of designs and to see how much fun we had celebrating! 

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