COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, has had an unimaginable impact on the world thus far. While the full ramifications of the pandemic are yet to be seen, there are many consequences already being felt in a number of different industries. From restaurants to rideshare companies, many employees around the world are suffering right now. One of the most at-risk populations feeling the effects of COVID-19 are business owners—and for business owners of color, the challenges may be even more overwhelming. A wealth of evidence demonstrates the difficulties that entrepreneurs of color face when it comes to receiving business funding. In addition, the lack of financial backing from friends and family compared to their White counterparts presents considerable obstacles. These reasons, along with the limited access that many business owners of color have to successful entrepreneurs in their network, can make the journey more arduous. 13 business owners of color shared how COVID-19 has positively and negatively impacted their business thus far and what can be done to help their businesses thrive.
1. Kali Ah Yuen, founder of People’s Revolt, LLC: COVID-19 has mostly positively impacted our business because it is mostly digitally based. We are seeing an increase in clients, specifically on our social media side of business. People are starting to realize the importance of having a digital footprint and translating their physical business to online, which is where we come in and help. The only downfall is in our public relations sector with client events being canceled or pushed back and other goals that involved going out to reach certain publics that have been delayed. The media is mostly focusing on Coronavirus-related news so anything we pitch is most likely to sit on the back burner.
What can be done to help your business? More small business forums and online communities that can increase support amongst other entrepreneurs right now. Social media sites creating some sort of sector for small businesses to easily translate their physical brand to the digital space (this would mostly help our clients, which we are pushing for just as hard).
2. Rozalynn Goodwin, inventor of GaBBy Bows: Our kid inventor and CEO Gabby had five conference keynotes and trade shows cancelled within a few days which were big revenue generators for the year. Our barrettes are also made in China and the packaging for our hair products are made there as well. We barely got a barrette shipment on the sea in time to miss the December detection of COVID-19 in China, but our hair product packaging is in limited supply.
What can be done to help your business? Loan forgiveness or refinancing at lower rates, access to capital at lower rates, grants, training and mentorship.
What can be done to help your business? Download the Jumping Jack Tax app.
4. Anushka Christian, owner of Glamaty: I have been impacted by loss of revenue due to hair appointments, events and class cancellations. My salon is brand new, was just starting to gain attention and momentum as a much-needed concept in the Netherlands. COVID-19 has come at a time when I have just made an investment [to] open a new business that was created to fulfill a specific need for multi-ethnic women.
What can be done to help your business? Right now, the best resource is to learn how to pitch for press so I can pivot by gaining members into my latest creation, Best Hair Ever: an online club built on trust [and] education and created based on your unique hair needs. It is a monthly membership with access to easy step-by-step tutorials on how to style your own hair at home without feeling frustrated.
5. Micki Webb, founder of Get Psyched!: COVID-19 brought my entire industry to a screeching halt. My clients are staffing agencies placing contractors in school districts to fill in gaps as special education teachers, school psychologists, paraeducators, etc. While permanent school staff are being paid during the closures, most contracted staff are suddenly without pay and my staffing agency clients and myself [are] now without revenue. The predictable and preventable tragedy is that when schools inevitably reopen, the entire infrastructure of critical gap-filling resources will have crumbled and students most vulnerable, those with disabilities, who were served by this industry will be at-risk of not receiving mandated and necessary educational supports.
What can be done to help your business? We need frequent, clear, and direct guidance to school districts from state and federal government officials that funds being allocated to schools during closures can and should be used to retain contracted staff who had or were scheduled to serve in those districts. These contractors should be participating in online professional development specific to their specialty areas, providing online academic intervention support to students with disabilities now participating in distance learning, providing critical online counseling to meet students’ mental health needs and so much more.
6. Tony Weaver, Jr., founder of Weird Enough Productions: With COVID-19 leading to widespread school closures, we're unable to bring our program to students during the school day. These months are the peak of the academic sales cycle, but education leaders have much bigger problems to tackle right now. We're supporting educators on the frontline by making our program free for teachers, students, and parents to access from their homes. This week alone we've impacted 1,000 classrooms.
What can be done to help your business? We would benefit most from people spreading the word about our resources. We want to make sure we're helping as many community members as we can.
7. Madison Jaye, founder of COVID-19 has impacted my business because most everything has come to a stop, especially my speaking engagements. This doesn’t just affect me, [but] it also affects my bloggers who are based all around the globe and receive percentages off of everything they sell, which is unfortunate because there are some bloggers who have used the platform to help children across the world, including orphanages in Africa.
What can be done to help your business? I’ve decided to focus more on the spirituality side of my brand and use the same grandfathered operation I use for the media side of it. At this time, people are looking to connect higher and my spirit is very pure. I’m also helping local communities figure out where to find food for children. Working things out as I go, but I know this is God restoring faith in humanity. I truly believe [in] some way we will all be better humans because of this.
8. Clementine Affana, founder of Travel with Clem: I teach 9-5ers how to make money online as a side hustle, so that they can fund their dreams, whatever they are. If there is anything that I've noticed in the past few weeks, [it] is how people have valued working from home and working online. With that being said, there has been an increased interest around the services I offer, and this is definitely a huge plus. The current health situation is still concerning, but I'm grateful to be able to positively impact people and show them how they can build skills online and grow a side income.
What can be done to help your business? Essentially, I'd love to learn more about how to level up, scale up my business and reach a larger audience than the one I currently have.
9. Nusrat Alam, co-founder of I Am Perspective: We had two large conferences scheduled for 3/28/20 and 4/25/20 that had to be cancelled. Our work was mainly interactive, and we can no longer work with groups of people in any forum. I Am Perspective Radio is also impacted because it is preventing us from having guests travel to [the] recording studio.
What can be done to help your business? Online platforms that can be used to transform our current methods to what is needed. Sponsorship and other financial assistance in the form of grants, etc.
10. Nayoka Simone, founder of NyRai Interior Designs: The COVID-19 impacted my business due to the significant decrease in client connections. This virus has forced me to scale back on my face-to-face in-home consultations, shopping for my clients and meeting with vendors. My clients are very visual and hands-on, so this restricts this option. Customers that were once willing to open their doors, are now no longer comfortable with letting people into their homes [because] this virus can be potentially fatal.
What can be done to help your business? For this type of business, the only resource that would be beneficial is an effective vaccination and testing. The virus has destroyed comfort levels and people now think twice about who comes in and out of their home. Having a reliable vaccine could potentially help rebuild that lost trust and help things get back on track.
11. DeAndrea Byrd, founder of Tutu Maniac: The Corona virus has made people request refunds for booked parties. I have a kids fashion show in September and people are asking me if I will cancel and if they can get their vendor tables refunded. I'm also in a business accelerator program, that met once a week called Start: Me ATL, [and] of course now we can't meet. The program was really helpful with learning financials and we were supposed to pitch for business grant money next month. I was also supposed to sign my lease to move into a space in Greenbriar Mall in July. My tutu sales are non-existent and this time of year, I'm usually swamped with Easter sets.
What can be done to help your business? Coaching on how to pivot, help with digital ads, marketing help, business grants.
12. Uche Nwagwu and Quincy Dominic, founder and CEO of Dream Vizion Network: Since our business is based 100% online, we have not seen a decrease in demand. In fact, we anticipate our sales to either remain constant or increase given the global crisis that is COVID-19. Our thinking is that, artists will not stop creating and releasing music during this time.
What can be done to help your business? A continued online push of the services that we provide to our clients: independent/up-and-coming artists.
13. Jereshia Hawk, founder of It has given us an opportunity to show up and be of most valuable service now more than ever. Our audiences’ pain points are extremely visible and exposed which has been allowing us to offer them strategic solutions to ensure their business survives and even thrives online, despite what’s happening around us physically.
What can be done to help your business? Sharing our message with more people honestly: [We] equip business owners with knowing how to handle sales objections and [how to] package their skills into online coaching programs. I want to see more businesses get past this time! And transitioning virtually with the proper sales skills ensures they have a fighting chance.