Hey you,

Designing, renovating, shopping and sourcing takes a considerable amount of time (often overlooked). You dedicate your time to working, taking care of the kids, building your business, or simply just handling things that have been neglected. I believe those who are able to have a work-life balance despite all mentioned above, are superheros!


But let’s not focus on the time we don’t have and let’s be honest with ourselves with the time we do have. There’s always time for us to shop online, which gives us the flexibility to make purchases online or educate ourselves. I can’t be the only one who shops during my bathroom breaks or those snooze worthy meetings!  Pinterest is a black hole of interior design ideas, but those projects always seem expensive and time consuming. This is where an interior designer can come into play and give you a true estimate of what your envisioned space will cost. 

Homeowners, when you purchased your home I’m pretty sure you thought NO MORE RENT, tax write-off, or finally your own space. The question that I have for you all is why not invest in your home? I read an article the other day that was saying Interior Designers are not a great investment. That’s a totally false statement and I’m not saying that simply because I am one. There are several benefits in hiring an interior designer. 


An interior designer can do something for your home that you will not be able to do on your own; which is providing the “WOW” factor. They are trained to envision your space in ways you may not have imagined. Homeowners on shows such as Flip or Flop on HGTV, are always surprised by their newly renovated or remodeled home. Why? It is because they never thought their home could be transformed into such an amazing space. People think their dream home has to be purchased, in some cases they just need to hire an interior designer. It may sound expensive to hire a designer, but it will actually save you money in the long run.

Still unsure? If interior designers aren’t a good investment to your home, why do real estate agents hire them to stage a home when homeowners are ready to sell? It is because they understand it is hard for buyers to truly envision a space or its value without seeing its TRUE potential. The truth comes out when someone who is TRAINED to design a space is behind the vision bestowed upon buyers and owners. We offer packages less than a night out, so connect with us virtually or in person by scheduling a consultation. Trust me, you will thank yourself for making your first consultation appointment.



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