Breaking rules This Christmas!

Following “traditional” rules in home decor is prohibited in my book. So you know for the Holidays I am shaken things up. If you follow me on IG @nayokasimone you know I love to add a pop of color, play with textures, and overall have fun. This has become my theme for this Holiday season. 


We are breaking the rules this Holiday season and brining a little sass. Each year I am invited to so many “Ugly Sweater” parties and this year I refuse to wear another oversized sweater that’s going end up in the back of my closet until next year  Then I thought why not host a Pretty Ugly Sweater Holiday PoPUp. I envisioned a pretty floral backdrop, festive cocktails, and fabalous women rocking pretty sweaters. Thank you to You are Invited,LLC for helping me to create my vision and Mok Photography for capturing the memories. 


The 1st Annual Pretty Sweater Holiday PoPUp was held at 1942DC. The decor, music, and amazing vibes even caught the eyes of people walking by. Our guest enjoyed our signature cocktails for the evening, Mistletoe and Holiday Mule. 

We laughed. We danced. We sipped. We enjoyed the festive music.

Hunnie, one of my signature things to do at all of my events is to host a raffle. (You get a raffle . You get a raffle -Oprah voice) I enjoy watching my guest anticipate and win some of my favorite home essentials. It gets better,once  you win a giveaway you have to strut and dance your way to retrieve your price. (Beyonce better watch out) Sounds fun right? I can’t wait to see you all there next year. 


Thanks again to 1942 DC for hosting us. Until next time, remember break and make your own rules this Holiday season. 

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