Below you will find questions and answers, the frequently asked questions from first time travelers to Cuba we often get in our mailbox. It is advisable to read these questions and answers to start with when you are intending to go to Cuba.
Q. Do they have Internet & E-mail access in Cuba?
A. Almost all hotels have at least 1 or 2 computers to go on the internet for foreigner’s. In the touristic areas there also are Internet “cafes” from Etecsa the Cuban telephone/internet provider. Wi-Fi is possible from most hotels and Wi-Fi- hot spots But, forget about uploading pictures because the Cuban internet is very slow, about 56 kbs if you are lucky. Also using USB sticks is 99% possible.
Q. Do I need a Visa and a passport?
A. Yes and Yes. Cuba will give you a visa/tourist card, however, you must acquire the visa before you arrive. You can accomplish this by contacting the nearest Cuban Embassy or Consulate in your country, except for citizens of the USA, whom will be issued a visa onboard their flights to Cuba. Also, ensure that you have a passport and it’s current. If not, please apply and have it available prior to departure.
Q. Yikes!! I don’t speak Spanish will that be a problem?
A. No. Some Spanish is a definite plus, but if you don’t know any Spanish it’s ok. There are many Cubans who do speak English and many of the people we will be in contact with speaks English very well also. Cubans are very patient, don’t worry. PLUS, we will have some folks joining us who speak Spanish fluently which is a double plus!
Q. Will we need converters for the outlets?
A. No, most of the hotels have sockets that won’t require any converters.
Q. What about Money? Can I use my US Credit Card?
A. Well, if it's not drawn from an American bank. Unfortunately, it's part of the US embargo restrictions on Cuba. No US travelers cheques either. Americans must carry cash.
Fortunately, almost all hotels have safes in the room. We do not recommend using the ATM's in Cuba. There are some of these machines but also stories of travelers with bad experiences ... an ATM machine in a bad mood can swallow your card, and it won't be Cuba when somebody is there to help you get it back :)